The mission Overview tab provides a summary of your mission. The Mission Summary shows the number of members, teams, maps, and additional materials available in the mission, and each can be accessed from this view.
If you are not the mission owner, the overview tab is read-only. If you own the mission or have the supported privileges, there are Edit buttons next to the following fields:
- Name
- Summary
- Description
- Terms of Use
- Tags
- Thumbnail
This information can be edited before or during the mission. However, this information cannot be changed once the mission enters the Complete status.
Mission thumbnail
If you are the mission owner or have the supported privileges, you can change the mission thumbnail to an image relating to your mission.
- Click Edit Thumbnail.
- Drag and drop an image file (.png, .jpg, .jpeg, or .gif) or click Choose File to choose a thumbnail.
- Click Save.
Delete mission
Mission owners and administrators can delete a mission if it is no longer needed. On the mission Overview tab, complete the following steps:
- Click Delete Mission.
- Click Delete on the confirmation dialog box.
A notification displays and returns you to the View Missions tab.
All content, including the map and data, is deleted.
Create a mission dashboard
A mission dashboard provides insightful views of geographic information that help you monitor events or activities going on in your mission. There are multiple information elements that come together on a single screen to provide you a comprehensive view of your mission. Although not required to create, the mission dashboard is intended for the mission observer to offer an engaging view of mission data that provides insights for decision making. You can only create a dashboard if you are the mission owner or an admin who is a member of the mission.
To create a mission dashboard for a desired mission, complete the following steps:
- Navigate to Mission Details.
- On the mission Overview tab, click Create Mission Dashboard.
A Create Mission Dashboard modal appears.
- Fill out the Create Mission Dashboard modal with the following:
- Title – The preferred name of your dashboard
- Tags – Type in any words to make the dashboard easily searchable
- Description - Additional information relevant to the mission
- Click Create Mission Dashboard to create your dashboard. Additionally, you can click Cancel to return to the Overview tab
A notification appears confirming the successful creation of your dashboard and you are directed back to the mission Overview tab.
The Create Mission Dashboard button will change to Open Mission Dashboard.
The dashboard also gets saved in My Content of your portal and in the folder of your mission.
Open and interact with your mission dashboard
After you create your mission dashboard, you have the option to open it and view the data of your mission. Click Open Mission Dashboard to view your dashboard. The following data is available for you to view:
- Responder and Manager Clients – This provides insight into the percentage of ArcGIS Mission Manager vs. ArcGIS Mission Responder users within your mission.
- Mission Messaging Log – This displays a running list of any chats or geomessages that have been sent throughout the lifetime of your mission ordered by most recent on top.
- Mission map with tracks – This visually displays tracks from any Responder user on the mission map.
- Mission Responder – Total Track Count – This chart displays the total track count for each Mission Responder to gain an understanding of which Responder user is most active.
- Number of Mission Messages sent in the last 24 hours – This indicator displays the number of chats and geomessages that have been sent over the past 24 hours.
The dashboard updates in real time as information comes into the mission. If you want to expand or view a specific panel of data, you can hover over the panel and click the Expand icon. Click the Expand icon again to minimize it.